Supplier Code of Conduct
We are committed to conducting business with the highest ethical standards, and we expect the same of our suppliers.
We are committed to promoting a positive work environment and expect that our suppliers and their employees, agents, and subcontractors adhere to the same standards of conduct and behavior that we expect from our own employees while they are on Cabot property or doing business with or on behalf of Cabot.
All of our suppliers must conduct their employment practices in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and in compliance with Cabot requirements, which may exceed local legal requirements. In all cases in which Cabot requirements are more stringent than local legal requirements, suppliers are required to meet the more stringent Cabot requirements.
Supplier Code of Conduct Policy
- Arabic: قواعد سلوك المورد
- Bahasa Indonesia: Etika Berperilaku bagi Supplier
- Bahasa Malaysia: Kod Tata Perilaku Pembekal
- Chinese Simplified: 卡博特供应商行为准则
- Chinese Traditional: 卡博特供應商行為準則
- Czech: Etický kodex dodavatele
- Dutch: Gedragscode voor onze leveranciers
- English: Supplier Code of Conduct
- French: CODE de conduite des fournisseurs
- German: Verhaltenskodex
- Italian: Deontologia del fornitore
- Japanese: サプライヤー管理基準
- Latvian: Piegādātāja Ētikas Kodekss
- Portuguese: Código de Conduta dos Fornecedores
- Russian: Кодекс деловой этики поставщиков
- Spanish: Código de Conducta de Proveedores